beyond map()
result <- purrr::modify(.x =
, .f =
beyond map()
fantatic ¬□ purrr
and data.table
dataset (ggplot2
) throughoutlibrary(data.table)library(tidyverse)
beyond map()
packageA complete and consistent functional programming toolkit for R
... to give you similar expressiveness to a classical FP language, while allowing you to write code that looks and feels like R
- purrr 0.1.0
beyond map()
packageA complete and consistent functional programming toolkit for R
... to give you similar expressiveness to a classical FP language, while allowing you to write code that looks and feels like R
- purrr 0.1.0
is the posterchild, but Narnia lies beyond
offers one of the highest rates of return on investment for any R packagepurrr
beyond map()
: what is it good for?lapply
beyond map()
is the base equivalent to map()
(sans purrr
helpers support) map()
from purrr, you can skip the additional dependency and use lapply()
and modify()
functions always return output of the same length as the inputpurrr
beyond map()
beyond map()
map(.x, .f)
call function.f
once for each element of vector.x
; return the result as a list
beyond map()
map(.x, .f)
call function.f
once for each element of vector.x
; return the result as a list
Get the square of each number from 1 to 5
# function to get square of numbermy_square <- function(x) x^2# get square of each number 1:5 and output as listres1 <- 1:5 %>% map(my_square) # direct callres2 <- 1:5 %>% map(~my_square(.)) # for backward compatibilityres3 <- 1:5 %>% map(~my_square(.x)) # formula res4 <- 1:5 %>% map(function(x) my_square(x)) # inline anonymous function# test equivalenceidentical(res1, res2) & identical(res2, res3) & identical(res3, res4)
[1] TRUE
beyond map()
map(.x, .f, ...)
passes arguments specified in ... along
beyond map()
map(.x, .f, ...)
passes arguments specified in ... along
to add 'min' as suffix to each number from 1 to 5
# pass arguments alongspec1 <- 1:5 %>% map(paste, 'min')# formula specification (two variants)spec2 <- 1:5 %>% map(~paste(., 'min'))spec3 <- 1:5 %>% map(~paste(.x, 'min'))# inline anonymous function specificationspec4 <- 1:5 %>% map(function(x) paste(x, 'min'))# test equivalencelist(spec2, spec3, spec4) %>% map_lgl(identical, y = spec1)
beyond map()
vs in functionmap()
is only vectorised over its first argument so arguments passed to map()
after .f
will be ...
beyond map()
vs in functionmap()
is only vectorised over its first argument so arguments passed to map()
after .f
will be ...
# function that multiplies input (arg1) by specified constant (arg2)temp_func <- function(x, constant = 2) { glue::glue('{x} x {constant} = {x*constant}')}# method 1: pass parameterised arg2 directly to map_chr1:5 %>% map_chr(temp_func, constant = sample(1:10, 1))# method 2: pass parameterised arg2 into inline anonymous function1:5 %>% map_chr(function(x) temp_func(x, constant = sample(1:10, 1)))
[1] "1 x 2 = 2" "2 x 2 = 4" "3 x 2 = 6" "4 x 2 = 8" "5 x 2 = 10"[1] "1 x 8 = 8" "2 x 1 = 2" "3 x 7 = 21" "4 x 7 = 28" "5 x 7 = 35"
beyond map()
map_*(.x, .f, ...)
call function.f
once for each element of vector.x
; return the result as an atomic vector of type*
; error if impossible
map_chr(.x, .f)
: charactermap_lgl(.x, .f)
: logicalmap_dbl(.x, .f)
: realmap_int(.x, .f)
: integermap_dfr(.x, .f)
: data frame (bind_rows
)map_dfc(.x, .f)
: data frame (bind_cols
beyond map()
map_*(.x, .f, ...)
call function.f
once for each element of vector.x
; return the result as an atomic vector of type*
; error if impossible
map_chr(.x, .f)
: charactermap_lgl(.x, .f)
: logicalmap_dbl(.x, .f)
: realmap_int(.x, .f)
: integermap_dfr(.x, .f)
: data frame (bind_rows
)map_dfc(.x, .f)
: data frame (bind_cols
)1:5 %>% map_chr(paste, 'min') %>% class()
[1] "character"
1:5 %>% map_lgl(function(x) x < 3) %>% class()
[1] "logical"
1:5 %>% map_int(function(x) x * 2L) %>% class()
[1] "integer"
1:5 %>% map_dfr(function(x) tibble(value = x)) %>% class()
[1] "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
1:5 %>% map_dfc(function(x) data.table(value = x)) %>% class()
[1] "data.table" "data.frame"
beyond map()
beyond map()
and modify()
has siblings...
walk(.x, .f, ...)
call function.f
once for each element of.x
; return nothing
modify(.x, .f, ...)
call function.f
once for each element of.x
; return the result as an object of the same type as.x
beyond map()
and modify()
has siblings...
walk(.x, .f, ...)
call function.f
once for each element of.x
; return nothing
modify(.x, .f, ...)
call function.f
once for each element of.x
; return the result as an object of the same type as.x
# no output1:5 %>% walk(paste, 'min')
# output, but not what you might have expected1:5 %>% walk(function(x) x ^ 2) %>% print()
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
# proof that walk is actually doing stuff1:5 %>% walk(function(x) print(x ^ 2)) %>% print()
[1] 1[1] 4[1] 9[1] 16[1] 25[1] 1 2 3 4 5
# obviously a character vectorx <- c('1', '2', '3', '4', '5')
# try to convert each element to integer using map_dblx %>% map_dbl(as.integer)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
# try to convert each element to integer using modifyx %>% modify(as.integer)
[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"
beyond map()
? Why modify()
walk(.x, .f, ...)
call function.f
once for each element of.x
; return nothing
modify(.x, .f, ...)
call function.f
once for each element of.x
; return the result as an object of the same type as.x
, message()
, saveRDS()
, etcmodify_if()
and modify_at()
beyond map()
variants cheatsheetmap()
returns list; map_*()
returns vector of type specified modify()
returns same type as inputwalk()
returns nothingmap2()
, walk2()
, modify2()
, imodify()
, iwalk()
and pwalk()
arguments | list | atomic | preserve type | nothing |
one argument | map() |
map_lgl(), ... |
modify() |
walk() |
two arguments | map2() |
map2_lgl(), ... |
modify2() |
walk2() |
one argument + index | imap() |
imap_lgl(), ... |
imodify() |
iwalk() |
n arguments | pmap() |
pmap_lgl(), ... |
NA |
pwalk() |
beyond map()
For each manufacturer in the mpg
dataset, write a .csv
file to disk containing only the data for that manufacturer
beyond map()
For each manufacturer in the mpg
dataset, write a .csv
file to disk containing only the data for that manufacturer
# check for files (show that there are none)list.files('data/mpg')
beyond map()
For each manufacturer in the mpg
dataset, write a .csv
file to disk containing only the data for that manufacturer
# check for files (show that there are none)list.files('data/mpg')
# create files by taking the mpg df %>% collapsing the data for each manufacturer into a list column %>% walking over the two columns in the df and for each pair (i.e. row of manufacturer and data values) doing: {create path variable to point to the path where the data should be written %>% write the data to disk in .csv format}mpg %>% group_nest(manufacturer, keep = T) %>% pwalk(function(manufacturer, data) { path <- file.path('data/mpg', glue::glue('df_{manufacturer}.csv')) write_csv(data, path) })
beyond map()
For each manufacturer in the mpg
dataset, write a .csv
file to disk containing only the data for that manufacturer
# check for files (show that there are none)list.files('data/mpg')
# create files by taking the mpg df %>% collapsing the data for each manufacturer into a list column %>% walking over the two columns in the df and for each pair (i.e. row of manufacturer and data values) doing: {create path variable to point to the path where the data should be written %>% write the data to disk in .csv format}mpg %>% group_nest(manufacturer, keep = T) %>% pwalk(function(manufacturer, data) { path <- file.path('data/mpg', glue::glue('df_{manufacturer}.csv')) write_csv(data, path) })
# check for files again (show that there are now files)list.files('data/mpg') %>% {c(head(., 2), tail(., 2))}
[1] "df_audi.csv" "df_chevrolet.csv" "df_toyota.csv" "df_volkswagen.csv"
beyond map()
Read each of the .csv
files just written to disk into R's global environment as a data frames. Use each file's name (without the .csv
extension) as the name for its data frame.
beyond map()
Read each of the .csv
files just written to disk into R's global environment as a data frames. Use each file's name (without the .csv
extension) as the name for its data frame.
# check for objects (show that there are none)ls()
beyond map()
Read each of the .csv
files just written to disk into R's global environment as a data frames. Use each file's name (without the .csv
extension) as the name for its data frame.
# check for objects (show that there are none)ls()
# get a list of all of the .csv files located in data/mpg %>% using set_names, name each element in this list with its filename sans the .csv extension %>% using iwalk to apply the assign function to each element in the list. Specifically, use fread to read the csv file from disk into a data frame and then assign that data frame as a named object to R's global environmentlist.files('data/mpg', pattern = '.csv', full.names = T) %>% set_names(str_remove(basename(.), '.csv$')) %>% iwalk(function(x, i) assign(i, fread(x), .GlobalEnv))
beyond map()
Read each of the .csv
files just written to disk into R's global environment as a data frames. Use each file's name (without the .csv
extension) as the name for its data frame.
# check for objects (show that there are none)ls()
# get a list of all of the .csv files located in data/mpg %>% using set_names, name each element in this list with its filename sans the .csv extension %>% using iwalk to apply the assign function to each element in the list. Specifically, use fread to read the csv file from disk into a data frame and then assign that data frame as a named object to R's global environmentlist.files('data/mpg', pattern = '.csv', full.names = T) %>% set_names(str_remove(basename(.), '.csv$')) %>% iwalk(function(x, i) assign(i, fread(x), .GlobalEnv))
# check for objects again (show that there are now files)ls() %>% {c(head(., 2), tail(., 2))}
[1] "df_audi" "df_chevrolet" "df_toyota" "df_volkswagen"
beyond map()
For each manufacturer in the mpg
dataset, express all of the numeric columns as the percentage deviation from the mean
beyond map()
For each manufacturer in the mpg
dataset, express all of the numeric columns as the percentage deviation from the mean
# define function to express each element in vector as % deviation from meanmyfunc <- function(x) x / mean(x, na.rm = T) - 1
beyond map()
For each manufacturer in the mpg
dataset, express all of the numeric columns as the percentage deviation from the mean
# define function to express each element in vector as % deviation from meanmyfunc <- function(x) x / mean(x, na.rm = T) - 1
# data.table approach# take mpg %>% convert to data.table %>% group by manufacturer, then use modify_if to target all numeric columns and modify each using the deviation functiona <- mpg %>% setDT() %>% .[by = .(manufacturer), j = modify_if(.SD, is.numeric, myfunc)]
# dplyr approach# take mpg %>% group by manufacturer %>% use mutate_if to mutate all numeric columns using the deviation function %>% ungroup the datab <- mpg %>% group_by(manufacturer) %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, myfunc) %>% ungroup()
beyond map()
For each manufacturer in the mpg
dataset, express all of the numeric columns as the percentage deviation from the mean
# define function to express each element in vector as % deviation from meanmyfunc <- function(x) x / mean(x, na.rm = T) - 1
# data.table approach# take mpg %>% convert to data.table %>% group by manufacturer, then use modify_if to target all numeric columns and modify each using the deviation functiona <- mpg %>% setDT() %>% .[by = .(manufacturer), j = modify_if(.SD, is.numeric, myfunc)]
# dplyr approach# take mpg %>% group by manufacturer %>% use mutate_if to mutate all numeric columns using the deviation function %>% ungroup the datab <- mpg %>% group_by(manufacturer) %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, myfunc) %>% ungroup()
# show that methods produce equivalent outputsall_equal(a, b)
[1] TRUE
beyond map()
. Predicate functionals take vector .x
and predicate function .f
and do something useful.
beyond map()
and some()
For which manufacturers in the mpg
dataset do the city miles per gallon (cty
) (a) exceed 15mpg on all models and/or (b) 25 mpg on at least some models?
beyond map()
and some()
For which manufacturers in the mpg
dataset do the city miles per gallon (cty
) (a) exceed 15mpg on all models and/or (b) 25 mpg on at least some models?
# take mpg %>% group by manufacturer %>% use summarise to create 2 summary columns: all_above_15 captures whether every value of cty > 15, while some_above_25 captures whether some values of cty > 25 %>% ungroup the datampg %>% group_by(manufacturer) %>% summarise( all_above_15 = every(cty, function(x) x > 15), some_above_25 = some(cty, function(x) x > 25)) %>% ungroup()
beyond map()
and some()
For which manufacturers in the mpg
dataset do the city miles per gallon (cty
) (a) exceed 15mpg on all models and/or (b) 25 mpg on at least some models?
# take mpg %>% group by manufacturer %>% use summarise to create 2 summary columns: all_above_15 captures whether every value of cty > 15, while some_above_25 captures whether some values of cty > 25 %>% ungroup the datampg %>% group_by(manufacturer) %>% summarise( all_above_15 = every(cty, function(x) x > 15), some_above_25 = some(cty, function(x) x > 25)) %>% ungroup()
# A tibble: 15 x 3 manufacturer all_above_15 some_above_25 <chr> <lgl> <lgl> 1 audi FALSE FALSE 2 chevrolet FALSE FALSE 3 dodge FALSE FALSE 4 ford FALSE FALSE 5 honda TRUE TRUE 6 hyundai TRUE FALSE 7 jeep FALSE FALSE 8 land rover FALSE FALSE 9 lincoln FALSE FALSE 10 mercury FALSE FALSE 11 nissan FALSE FALSE 12 pontiac TRUE FALSE 13 subaru TRUE FALSE 14 toyota FALSE TRUE 15 volkswagen TRUE TRUE
beyond map()
and some()
For which manufacturers in the mpg
dataset do the city miles per gallon (cty
) (a) exceed 15mpg on all models and/or (b) 25 mpg on at least some models?
# take mpg %>% group by manufacturer %>% use summarise to create 2 summary columns: all_above_15 captures whether every value of cty > 15, while some_above_25 captures whether some values of cty > 25 %>% ungroup the datampg %>% group_by(manufacturer) %>% summarise( all_above_15 = every(cty, function(x) x > 15), some_above_25 = some(cty, function(x) x > 25)) %>% ungroup()
# take mpg %>% group by manufacturer %>% filter to keep only data for manufacturers whose models all have cty > 15mpgmpg %>% group_by(manufacturer) %>% filter(every(cty, function(x) x > 15))
# A tibble: 15 x 3 manufacturer all_above_15 some_above_25 <chr> <lgl> <lgl> 1 audi FALSE FALSE 2 chevrolet FALSE FALSE 3 dodge FALSE FALSE 4 ford FALSE FALSE 5 honda TRUE TRUE 6 hyundai TRUE FALSE 7 jeep FALSE FALSE 8 land rover FALSE FALSE 9 lincoln FALSE FALSE 10 mercury FALSE FALSE 11 nissan FALSE FALSE 12 pontiac TRUE FALSE 13 subaru TRUE FALSE 14 toyota FALSE TRUE 15 volkswagen TRUE TRUE
beyond map()
beyond map()
and accumulate()
reduce(.x, .f, ..., .init)
use function.f
to combine elements of.x
by passing the result of each itteration as an initial value to the next itteration; return single result from final itteration
accumulate(.x, .f, ..., .init)
use function.f
to combine elements of.x
by passing the result of each itteration as an initial value to the next itteration; return list of results from each itteration
beyond map()
and accumulate()
reduce(.x, .f, ..., .init)
use function.f
to combine elements of.x
by passing the result of each itteration as an initial value to the next itteration; return single result from final itteration
accumulate(.x, .f, ..., .init)
use function.f
to combine elements of.x
by passing the result of each itteration as an initial value to the next itteration; return list of results from each itteration
# return cumulative sum of 1:51:5 %>% reduce(`+`)
1:5 %>% reduce(function(x, y) x + y)
[1] 15
# which numbers appear in the vector 1:51:5 %>% reduce(function(x, y) paste(x, 'and', y))
[1] "1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5"
# return each step in cumulative sum of 1:51:5 %>% accumulate(`+`)
1:5 %>% accumulate(function(x, y) x + y)
[1] 1 3 6 10 15
# which numbers appear in each itteration1:5 %>% accumulate(function(x, y) paste(x, 'and', y))
[1] "1" "1 and 2" "1 and 2 and 3" [4] "1 and 2 and 3 and 4" "1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5"
beyond map()
? Why accumulate()
reduce(.x, .f, ..., .init)
use function.f
to combine elements of.x
by passing the result of each itteration as an initial value to the next itteration; return single result from final itteration
accumulate(.x, .f, ..., .init)
use function.f
to combine elements of.x
by passing the result of each itteration as an initial value to the next itteration; return list of results from each itteration
, bind_cols()
, left_join()
, merge
, etcpurrr
beyond map()
Starting with cty ~ manufacturer
as a base, (1) build up several linear model specifications for estimating the city miles per gallon (cty
) in the mpg
dataset by incrementally adding the trans
, drv
, and class
terms to the model. (2) Estimate each model and report the adjusted R-squared.
beyond map()
Starting with cty ~ manufacturer
as a base, (1) build up several linear model specifications for estimating the city miles per gallon (cty
) in the mpg
dataset by incrementally adding the trans
, drv
, and class
terms to the model. (2) Estimate each model and report the adjusted R-squared.
# create a vector of model specifications by taking the relevant column names %>% accumulating each into the base specification using paste and a ' + ' separator %>% number each model sequentially using set_names %>% print the results in a neatly formatted tibblemodels <- c('trans', 'drv', 'class') %>% accumulate(function(x, y) paste(x, y, sep = ' + '), .init = 'cty ~ manufacturer') %>% set_names(1:length(.))enframe(models, name = 'model', value = 'spec')
# A tibble: 4 x 2 model spec <chr> <chr> 1 1 cty ~ manufacturer 2 2 cty ~ manufacturer + trans 3 3 cty ~ manufacturer + trans + drv 4 4 cty ~ manufacturer + trans + drv + class
beyond map()
Starting with cty ~ manufacturer
as a base, (1) build up several linear model specifications for estimating the city miles per gallon (cty
) in the mpg
dataset by incrementally adding the trans
, drv
, and class
terms to the model. (2) Estimate each model and report the adjusted R-squared.
# create a vector of model specifications by taking the relevant column names %>% accumulating each into the base specification using paste and a ' + ' separator %>% number each model sequentially using set_names %>% print the results in a neatly formatted tibblemodels <- c('trans', 'drv', 'class') %>% accumulate(function(x, y) paste(x, y, sep = ' + '), .init = 'cty ~ manufacturer') %>% set_names(1:length(.))enframe(models, name = 'model', value = 'spec')
# A tibble: 4 x 2 model spec <chr> <chr> 1 1 cty ~ manufacturer 2 2 cty ~ manufacturer + trans 3 3 cty ~ manufacturer + trans + drv 4 4 cty ~ manufacturer + trans + drv + class
# take models %>% estimate each using map to apply the lm function %>% get the summary for each set of results using map to apply the summary function %>% extract the adjusted r-squared for each set of summary results using map_dbl to extract it by name %>% print the results in a neatly formatted tibblemodels %>% map(lm, data = mpg) %>% map(summary) %>% map_dbl("adj.r.squared") %>% enframe(name = 'model', value = 'Adj-R2')
# A tibble: 4 x 2 model `Adj-R2` <chr> <dbl>1 1 0.5282 2 0.5513 3 0.6874 4 0.713
beyond map()
beyond map()
and partial()
compose(..., .dir = c('backward, 'forward))
apply functions...
in order in the direction.dir
partial(.f, ...)
modify function.f
by pre-filling and fixing some of its arguments
beyond map()
and partial()
compose(..., .dir = c('backward, 'forward))
apply functions...
in order in the direction.dir
partial(.f, ...)
modify function.f
by pre-filling and fixing some of its arguments
round(mean(log(1:20), na.rm = T), digits = 2)
[1] 2.12
round(mean(log(5:100), na.rm = T), digits = 2)
[1] 3.76
# compose steps into a functionmycomp <- compose(log, ~ mean(.x, na.rm = T), ~ round(.x, digits = 2), .dir = 'forward')mycomp(1:20)
[1] 2.12
[1] 3.76
round(0.532131245, digits = 2)
[1] 0.53
round(12394.13498134, digits = 2)
[1] 12394.13
# prefill and fix parameter (WARNING!)myround <- partial(round, digits = 2)myround(0.532131245)
[1] 0.53
[1] 12394.13
myround(1/3, digits = 2)
Error in (function (x, digits = 0) : formal argument "digits" matched by multiple actual arguments
beyond map()
Compose a function that can be used to estimate each model in the previously defined models
vector and report the adjusted R-squared.
beyond map()
Compose a function that can be used to estimate each model in the previously defined models
vector and report the adjusted R-squared.
# take models %>% estimate each using map to apply the lm function %>% get the summary for each set of results using map to apply the summary function %>% extract the adjusted r-squared for each set of summary results using map_dbl to extract it by name %>% print the results in a neatly formatted tibblemodels %>% map(lm, data = mpg) %>% map(summary) %>% map_dbl("adj.r.squared") %>% enframe(name = 'model', value = 'Adj-R2')
# A tibble: 4 x 2 model `Adj-R2` <chr> <dbl>1 1 0.5282 2 0.5513 3 0.6874 4 0.713
beyond map()
Compose a function that can be used to estimate each model in the previously defined models
vector and report the adjusted R-squared.
# take models %>% estimate each using map to apply the lm function %>% get the summary for each set of results using map to apply the summary function %>% extract the adjusted r-squared for each set of summary results using map_dbl to extract it by name %>% print the results in a neatly formatted tibblemodels %>% map(lm, data = mpg) %>% map(summary) %>% map_dbl("adj.r.squared") %>% enframe(name = 'model', value = 'Adj-R2')
# A tibble: 4 x 2 model `Adj-R2` <chr> <dbl>1 1 0.5282 2 0.5513 3 0.6874 4 0.713
# compose a function that sends arguments to lm, then passes the results to summary, then plucks the r-squared from those results, then enframesmycomp <- compose(lm, summary, ~pluck(.x, 'adj.r.squared'), ~enframe(.x, name = 'model', value = 'adj.r.squared'), .dir = 'forward')# take models %>% estimate each by using map_dfr to apply the mycomp function and row bindmodels %>% map_dfr(~mycomp(.x, data = mpg))
# A tibble: 4 x 2 model adj.r.squared <int> <dbl>1 1 0.5282 1 0.5513 1 0.6874 1 0.713
beyond map()
, possibly()
, and insistently()
safely(.f, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
modifies function.f
to return a list with componentsresult
(result if not error, NA otherwise) anderror
(error message if error, NULL otherwise).
possibly(.f, otherwise, quiet = TRUE)
modifies function.f
to returnotherwise
if error occurs.
insistently(f, rate = rate_backoff())
modifies function.f
to retry specified times on error.
beyond map()
, possibly()
, and insistently()
safely(.f, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
modifies function.f
to return a list with componentsresult
(result if not error, NA otherwise) anderror
(error message if error, NULL otherwise).
possibly(.f, otherwise, quiet = TRUE)
modifies function.f
to returnotherwise
if error occurs.
insistently(f, rate = rate_backoff())
modifies function.f
to retry specified times on error.
# define bad function that only works on odd numbersbadfunc <- function(x) if (x %% 2 == 0) stop('Only odd numbers allowed') else (x)# define safe version of badfunc , possible, and insistent versions of badfuncsafely_badfunc <- safely(badfunc)# define possible version of badfuncpossibly_badfunc <- possibly(badfunc, otherwise = NA_real_)# define insistent version of badfuncinsistently_badfunc <- insistently(badfunc, rate = rate_backoff(pause_cap = 1, max_times = 4))
beyond map()
, possibly()
, and insistently()
safely(.f, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
modifies function.f
to return a list with componentsresult
(result if not error, NA otherwise) anderror
(error message if error, NULL otherwise).
possibly(.f, otherwise, quiet = TRUE)
modifies function.f
to returnotherwise
if error occurs.
insistently(f, rate = rate_backoff())
modifies function.f
to retry specified times on error.
"Good" value
# test functions of "good" valuebadfunc(1)
[1] 1
$result[1] 1$errorNULL
[1] 1
[1] 1
"Bad" value
# test functions of "bad" valuebadfunc(2)
Error in badfunc(2): Only odd numbers allowed
$resultNULL$error<simpleError in .f(...): Only odd numbers allowed>
[1] NA
Error: Request failed after 4 attempts
beyond map()
? Why possibly()
? Why insistently()
safely(.f, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
modifies function.f
to return a list with componentsresult
(result if not error, NA otherwise) anderror
(error message if error, NULL otherwise).
possibly(.f, otherwise, quiet = TRUE)
modifies function.f
to returnotherwise
if error occurs.
insistently(f, rate = rate_backoff())
modifies function.f
to retry specified times on error.
beyond map()
and discard
as generalisations of dplyr::select_if()
as generalisation of [[
and dplyr::pull()
as companion to append()
as companion to any predicate functionpurrr
beyond map()
help(package = purrr)
beyond map()
fantatic ¬□ purrr
and data.table
dataset (ggplot2
) throughoutlibrary(data.table)library(tidyverse)
beyond map()
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